Here at Learningville our approach is to provide our students with an all-inclusive learning experience that addresses the whole child and prepares them to be an out of the box thinkers, world changers, and leaders who are constantly changing society while giving parents the awareness of their child’s educational potential.
Exploratory Learning
In Learningville Steam Academy, each child in our care has a village behind them, every day because we are their Village. Learningville Steam Academy’s vision is to be nationally recognized as an outstanding Child Learning Center. Our program is built around the concept that children are born ready to learn. As caregivers, we strive to create a learning environment that is safe, stimulating, and encouraging.

We believe:
- Children develop knowledge of their world through active interactions with caregivers, peers, materials, and events.
- Learning is sequential, building on prior understandings and experiences.
- Learning proceeds at different rates in each area and each child; children will show a range of skills and understandings in any one area of development.
- Learning in each area is interconnected. Young children learn best through experiences, which incorporate several areas of development.
- Learning is embedded in a culture. Children learn best when their learning activities are rooted in a familiar cultural context.
- Learning begins in the family, continues in early care and education settings, and depends on parent involvement and caregiver guidance.
Preparation for Success
Learningville Steam Academy’s vision is to be nationally recognized as an outstanding Child Learning Center. We foster innovation. We promote consistency. We embrace teamwork. We strive for excellence. We respect and support families. We commit to service at all levels. We respect and appreciate diversity. We actively listen and seek to understand. We communicate openly and productively. We use resources creatively and responsibly. We abide by the NAEYC Code of Ethics and Statement of Commitment. Most importantly we teach our students to always strive for success!